
So - I Like Color

OK, this blog always seems to be a work in progress (just like me!) and after I changed the header image to this new one, I ran it by my graphic designer son.  I'm sure he said some complimentary things, and other things all taken as the constructive criticism that I was asking for. . . . but one word is still haunting me.  He thought the header colors a bit "Garish".  I blame my inexperience with Photoshop elements in perfecting a less than perfect image.  (can you see why I'm excited about my new book that I mention below :)  Anyway.

(Update 6/17/10 I removed the banner I was mentioning in this post.  I've posted it below.  I still like it, especially in this smaller version.  The one I have now is temporary - too simple.  I will play around with this one or the idea as soon as I have a bit more time.  If you'd like to leave comments, please do.

Something I should have done from the beginning is to take print screens of each design change I've made.  Oh well, too late for all past ones, but it's a good idea now!)

I already took away the two tiny purple sidebars and now I'm looking at how to make my header less garish.  I just took a class from Jane Davilla and one of her suggestions was to be consistent in branding.  I just don't know how I'm going to do that because I love to come up with new ideas.  Now I have to either simplify or change "Garish" or redesign something entirely different.  Now was certainly not the time to go back to work, even part time.  I simply have less time to play and that's no fun.


I Bought The Book!

Just wanted to say that I bought the book yesterday "Digital Expressions" by Susan Tuttle!  Borders had a 40% off coupon that I used otherwise it wasn't on my "need" list.  But I've had a rough week, so it was a little reward for having endured that.  Now I just need to get myself to feeling better, (in order to thoroughly absorb it) while working my way through some of the exercises and attempting to use an older version (3.0) of Photoshop Elements.  But I am excited!!!!


Book Give Away! Late But Probably Not Last

I've just found this amazing Photographer and Digital Artist Susan Tuttle, who has a new book out!  I WANT IT . . . and I will have it one day, but I hope sooner than later.  I just popped on over to her blog for the second time (yes, I just found her) and discovered that she is doing a book giveaway right now, and it's almost over so my fingers are typing madly so that I can get my entry in.  Who cares about spelling and correct fonts right now . . . .
But do check it out on Amazon.com 
. . . . and watch for my new creations after I totally absorb this book!!!
Did I mention that I love the colors and design of this cover page.  Oh my!