I feel it again. . . . The energy inside is swirling like an encapsulated cyclone, ready to burst through, exploding into the atmosphere. But my past, my hindrances clearly show that rather than exploding through and out into the wide open space of success, it quickly drops to the surface like a glop of heavy lethargic mass of dough without enough yeast to fully rise to even its anticipated potential. All this repeats itself, over and over till someone quietly refers to the otherwise well known phenomena as half assed attempts on the road to know where.
On second thought, maybe it’s just the caffeine I just put in this decaffeinated body ;-0
or the beginning of another elevated mood episode! Who knows – but I better resolve it on my 3 day weekend, because it’s back to work on Monday.
What brought this on so early in the morning? I guess it was getting Lesley Riley's e-newsletter last night and her reply this morning. I've been a fan and groupy for as long as she's been out there with her "Fragments" on her first website! A secret fan pretty much, but always admiring and wowed at her work. Now she's embarking on a new venture, just opening the widow slightly for those of us who get her newsletter. It hasn't been launched just yet, but I'm first in line. Here's some of what she wrote:
Artist Success - Solutions for the Struggling Artist . That's it. That's the name for my new (ad)venture. There's no website yet but we're working on it. I just can't hold back any longer letting you know what I'm up to.
As an Artist Success expert, I'll be working with artists who are unsure of their path; confused or scared about how to get from unknown to known; artists who are trying to discover their voice, their style, their why; artists who are afraid or embarassed to show their art or even claim the title ofartist. From my years teaching and speaking with 1000s of students, I know there are many artists who take all the classes and buy all the supplies in the hopes of discovering their art, but then end up overwhelmed and unsatisfied.
Basically, I am here to help the person I was, so many years ago. I figure if I went through it, there must be others out there looking for direction, for a mentor, for someone to take their hand and show them the ropes, navigate the path, divulge the secrets.
And this is worth repeating here from an earlier blog post of mine:
. . . a word of caution (to me!) I read a post called "Highs and Lows of Being an Artist" on Lesley Riley's blog today and it reminded me that sometimes what we wish for ends up being more than we wish for - if not monitored and occasionally assessed. She has achieved success in my mind. I admire her so much and I love her work! Not only is she a talented artist but she has the most generous spirit. I've followed her from nearly the beginning and I even have one of her "Fragments". It's one of my favorite treasures! I love everything about it.
We all need to make sure life doesn't overwhelm us and clutter our spirits!
We need to play often!!!
I'm anxiously awaiting further word about her new venture, because at 56 I know I still have time (I just learned about Julia Child's age when she hit the big time), but I battle the knowledge that it's not over until it's over -vs- feeling like I'm slowly leaning on that last leg, when it comes to success that is.
love the intention behind your blog and your work. Wanted to send some encouragment from a fellow flyer, Robin
chris...love you thoughts and so love lesley...thanks for sharing...just stopping by from a pause in our flying lessons to say hello and say i am so happy to connect with you...
Blessings, R
Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva
Cre8Tive Compass Magazine
Cre8Tiva's Blog
Artistically Speaking Talk Show
FAMM Live Radio
Hi, Chris! Thank you for visiting my blog, I'm very happy to meet you! I struggle with age's concerns too: some days I feel so full of energy, and other days think that it's too late to "take flight" for me... with an office work, a demanding family, how to leap in a new creative business adventure? But I see that this is a common problem between my Flight Lesson classmates, and so I console myself... Ciao!
Hello Chris, I have found you through your excel form (Flying Lessons). This is a wonderful idea, well done and thank you ! And I really like the fact that our names are now per country (which shows that we are only 2 in France !). Take care :)
Hi Chris. Just stopping by from Flying lessons. I really like your blog and your enthusiasm. And that Lesley Riley class sounds great. I have always liked her work too!
warm wishes,
Hi There Chris. I'm also a fellow flyer swing by to say "hello". So many blogs... so little time. I had also stopped by before and viewed the video: You Are Worth The Time. I sent this link to Kelly when she put out the request that she was looking for inspiring videos. Would love to visit Alsea Art Farm some day... sounds heavenly. Blessings, Valerie
Hi Chris.
Alsea Art Farm is a lovely idea. I too love Lesley R. ( she lives very close by ) I have taken quite a few of her classes. The woman is simply amazing. I will have to post one of her fragments on my blog....if I ever get it up and running. Kelly Rae's class is exciting and exhausting and energizing all at the same time. I'll let everyone know when my blog is launched.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing on the "flight school attendees" list.
Hi Chris! Just popping over from the course...thanks so much for putting that spread sheet together! Talk to you soon!! Karin
"I feel it again. . . . The energy inside is swirling like an encapsulated cyclone, ready to burst through, exploding into the atmosphere. But my past, my hindrances clearly show that rather than exploding through and out into the wide open space of success, it quickly drops to the surface like a glop of heavy lethargic mass of dough without enough yeast to fully rise to even its anticipated potential. All this repeats itself, over and over till someone quietly refers to the otherwise well known phenomena as half assed attempts on the road to know where."
OMG...this is so me. You've just described (so perfectly) my "typical" pattern. It is so nice to read words that resonate & to know that i'm so not alone on this wild ride.
Thank you for coming over & visiting my blog. What a treat it is to have you there.
Sending love,
Hi, and thanks for bringing me over from the Flying Lessons class. I read the title of this post, and thought: "waiting? I'm exploding toward success!" And then that's just what you talked about -- exploding! It seems to me that you definitely have it in you. I've already made many changes to my blog based on this class, joined Facebook, and this week hope to post some items on etsy. Good luck with all your ventures -- and I hope you get your art retreats going. I live in Florida, but love a chance to travel.
You can check out my blog here:
Hi Chris,
I made it here despite being at work. Ha! Here's to plenty fo yeast to make you rise - whether you're ready or not! Please check out the following blog. I read it daily for inspiration: http://allididwaslisten.blogspot.com.
BTW, sign me up for one your your retreats! Your home looks so wonderful. I like the same rustic style as you!
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